Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The singular tree diorama

These are some of my favorite things we have done this year. I bought three craft paper ornaments from thinking I would do a nature scene like they do at Easter inside the Panoramic sugar eggs. I had the kids paint the outside of the ornament using three shades of blue however they mixed them together and the inside a silver paint - though my daughter used some blue inside too which made it even prettier than my original idea. After the first coat dried the kids put on a layer of silver and blue glitter paint. We put down some glue and some actual fine silver glitter - let it dry then the final step was putting the sweet Christmas/evergreen tree in the ornament with a dollop of craft glue - I actually had trouble finding these but did after Christmas in the sale stuff - I guess people use these tiny things for Christmas villages - the dollhouse ones at the craft store were way too big.
Love these - plan on doing them next year as gifts!

1 comment:

  1. These are really beautiful! I'll keep this idea in mind for next year. This year for homemade ornaments we rolled out Sculpey clay & cut out shapes using cookie cutters. After baking/cooling them, we decorated them with acyric paint and - you got it - glitter glue pens! [To keep the table neat, I wrapped it in wax paper.]
